Ashab Al Himam

2022 | TV Series

The three-part mini drama series Ashab Al Himam follows the life of four families from different backgrounds who all face the toughest of times and the darkest experiences to understand the importance of family union. The characters combat most of life’s challenges, with each individual handling it differently as their lives continue for better or worse. The one thing that will always stay the same: family is the strongest bond of all.


Production Company:

Film Gate Production


Abdul Bari Mohammed Abu Al Khair

Main Cast:

  • House of Life: Akram Al-Halabi, Majdi Almoqbel, Rashid Assaf
  • Scattered Barriers: Salama Al Mazrouei, Balaqis Al Bulushi, Ibrahim Al Zadjali
  • Dreams Drawn by Dust: Noor Ahmed, Noura Al Aiek, Taiseer Edris


Hasab Mousa Majed